Monday, April 26, 2021

Peer reviewed literature

Peer reviewed literature

peer reviewed literature

 · What is peer-reviewed literature? Journal articles that are peer-reviewed have been assessed by the author’s peers, an editorial board of subject specialists in a particular discipline. They review, and accept or reject articles that have been submitted for publication based on the validity and scholarship of the Cheng Siu  · Modern science publishes research through a careful peer-review system, and it is the peer-reviewed literature that scientists rely on for their information. Nevertheless, the peer-review system is very poorly understood among the general public, and opponents of science tend to be very critical and dismissive of blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · The peer-reviewed literature is where scientists publish their research, and it is the source for scientific information. As a result, I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about it. I have explained how the peer-review system works (also here). I have provided advice on how to evaluate studies and how not to evaluate blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Home - Peer-Reviewed Literature - Libraries at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Modern science publishes research through a careful peer-review system, and it is the peer-reviewed literature that scientists rely on for their information.

Nevertheless, the peer-review system is very poorly understood among the general public, and opponents of science tend to be very critical and dismissive of it.

Therefore, as someone who actually participates in the peer-review system both as an author and reviewer I want to explain how the system actually works, what it takes to get published, and why it is a pretty good system. The flowchart below summarizes everything in the post, but keep reading for more details click the image and magnify to view it more easily. This flowchart summarizes the steps required to publish a peer-reviewed paper peer reviewed literature the steps required to publish a blog post.

Take a careful look at this difference, then honestly tell me that you think that blogs are a better source of information about scientific topics. Planning and conducting research The first step of scientific inquiry is always observation.

You make some observation about the universe around you, then you peer reviewed literature to understand that observation, peer reviewed literature, usually by making a testable hypothesis. Forming the hypothesis is relatively easy, figuring out exactly how to test it is, however, extremely difficult.

Before you can start the experiment, you need to review all the literature on the topic so that you know what has already been found, and you need to design an experiment that follows ethical guidelines, has proper controls, will generate a large sample size, etc, peer reviewed literature. All of this becomes very technical and, generally speaking, it is more than one person can do. So, most studies involve several scientists who collaborate together and share authorship on the final product.

This is very important because the more people who are involved, the less likely it is that any one individual will bias the study. Also, different scientists have different specific areas of expertise even within a single fieldso bringing multiple scientists together gives you access to a large body of collective knowledge and experience, thus maximizing the odds that you will design a robust experiment. Even with a group of various scientists collaborating together, however, it is still never a bad idea to consult with an outside expert.

For example, peer reviewed literature, all scientists have a working knowledge of statistics, but most of them are not statisticians in the truest sense. So it is very common for scientists to design their statistical analysis, then run it by an actual statistician just to make sure that there is nothing that they missed. Similarly, if the study involves a complex method that none of the authors peer reviewed literature used before, it is a good idea to talk to someone who has used that method and make sure that you fully understand its intricacies.

Finally, once all of the collaborators agree on the design of the project, you can conduct the study and collect your data. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few years usually at least a few months depending on what the project is.

Hopefully, the data will adhere to the structure that you anticipated, but that is often not the case. Without going into unnecessary detail, the type of statistical test you use depends on the type of data you are working with. So, peer reviewed literature, for example, if you had planned on using a parametric peer reviewed literaturebut your data turn out to be strongly skewed, you may have to use a non-parametric test instead.

Please realize, this is not a manipulation of the data, peer reviewed literature. Scientists are not cherry-picking their statistics. Rather, there are mathematical limitations to how you can analyze data and each test has a specific set of requirements that have to be met before that test will give an accurate result. The point is that you may not be able to use the statistics you had originally planned on using.

This often means that you will need to consult with a statistician again to determine the appropriate test given the data that you actually obtained.

Now, you can finally run your statistics and analyze your data. Sometimes you failed to get a large enough sample size to accurately test your hypothesis, or your data may simply not add anything useful to our ever growing body of scientific knowledge.

The point is that for various reasons many studies die at this stage before they even peer reviewed literature submitted for peer-review. For example, I personally have two data sets sitting on my computer at the moment that I cannot in good conscience try to publish because, for various reasons, the experiments did not go as planned and I cannot trust my results. Preparing and submitting a paper If your data appear to give useful and reliable results, you can then write your paper.

This tends to be a very time consuming process and usually involves many drafts being passed among your co-authors until eventually you all agree on a final product. At that point, however, it is not uncommon for you or some of your coauthors to want an outside opinion before submitting for formal review.

Because you all worked on peer reviewed literature project, you are all biased to think that the study is good no matter how hard you try to avoid those biases.

So, it is often a good idea to have a friend who works in a related field read the paper and give you some feedback. Assuming that your friend did not find a critical error, then once you have made the suggested revisions and you and your coauthors are content, you can finally submit it to a journal for formal peer-review.

The first stage of the review process is generally a quick read by one of the editors. Peer reviewed literature this stage, they are trying to see if it is fairly well written, follows ethical guidelines, gives novel and potentially interesting results, appears to be a potentially valid study, and is peer reviewed literature type of research that is published in that particular journal.

During submission, most journals also require that you declare any conflicts of interest e. If your paper passes all of the initial checks, it gets sent out to reviewers.

What you do at that point depends on why it was rejected. In which case, peer reviewed literature, you can just submit it to another journal. Other times, there are mistakes that need to be fixed before submitting elsewhere thus sending you back through the revision loopsand sometimes, there is a serious flaw such as a very small sample size that will prevent you from publishing anywhere.

If your paper goes out for review, it gets sent to occasionally 4 other scientists who are experts in the field that your paper address. Thus, I am familiar with the methodologies, peer reviewed literature, literature, etc. Importantly, reviewers generally have to be people who are not institutionally linked to the authors.

In other words, your friend in the lab next to you cannot review your paper. Reviewers look for several things. At the most basic level, they see if the paper is well written, easy to understand, etc.

More importantly, however, they scrutinize the methods, statistics, conclusions, etc. to ensure that the study was done correctly, the proper statistics were used, the conclusions are valid, etc. They then send their comments and recommendations back to the editor.

The editor then considers their recommendations, often consults with another editor, then sends you their decision. At this stage, there are several possibilities.

The best one peer reviewed literature that it was accepted in its current state. In other words, they will publish your paper as is.

More often, it gets accepted with either major or minor revisions. In other words, peer reviewed literature, they think that there is merit to your study, but there are some concerns about certain parts of your paper perhaps details of one of the methods you used.

So, you and your coauthors make the revisions, then send it back to them. The editor s and sometimes the reviewers then look at your changes and decide whether or not they are acceptable. Usually, papers go through at this point, but sometimes additional changes are still required. Peer reviewed literature third possibility is that your paper gets rejected with the option to resubmit. In this situation, they had very serious concerns about your paper perhaps they think your statistics were completely inappropriatebut they still think that your paper has good potential.

So, you and your coauthors get to make major changes to the paper and analyses, peer reviewed literature. Once those changes are made, you can resubmit back to the same journal, at which point your paper goes back out for review, peer reviewed literature. At this stage, your reviewers may or may not be the same reviewers that you had the first time.

The final possibility, is that your paper gets rejected without the option to resubmit. Sometimes they found critical flaws that truly render your paper unpublishable. Other times, however, there are serious flaws that you need to fix, but once those have been taken care of, you can submit it to a different journal, at which point you start this whole process over again. Most importantly, by the time that a paper completes this process and actually gets published, many different scientists from different institutions and companies have looked at your work and given their input.

As a result, the final product is usually of high quality, but bad papers do sometimes make it through. Peer reviewed literature, the peer-review process does not end with publication. As a result, many papers sit quietly without ever being cited because other scientists are skeptical of their claims, peer reviewed literature.

Sometimes, however, peer reviewed literature, a paper contains serious flaws, at which point, scientists can write to the editor of the journal explaining the problems, or they can write and publish a rebuttal paper. Depending on the problems that they point out, this may result in the journal retracting the paper.

A very public example of this occurred last year when the journal Translational Neurodegeneration published a paper that supposedly found a link between autism and vaccines. The paper was rife with problems, and the journal quickly retracted it after multiple scientists expressed peer reviewed literature concerns about its accuracy. Other times, it may take years for the problems with a paper to surface.

This was an extraordinary claim, so scientists did what they always do with a claim like this: they tested it over and over again. This culminated peer reviewed literature a formal investigation which found serious ethical and methodological problems with the study, as well as a major financial conflict of interest that Wakefield failed to declare a huge taboo in academic publishing.

This resulted in the paper being retracted and Wakefield loosing the privilege of being allowed to practice medicine, peer reviewed literature. Important points There are several important take home messages here. For any of these notions to work, peer reviewed literature, all of the reviewers, editors, etc. Further, if you get a biased editor who rejects your paper for absurd reasons, you can appeal to the editor and try to reason with them, or you can just submit to another journal.

In other words, if you wanted to suppress any papers that were contrary to the mainstream view, you would need every editor in peer reviewed literature world to agree not to publish any controversial papers, peer reviewed literature.

This is clearly absurd. Evidence that opposes the mainstream view can be published if you have good data. The reason that there are so few papers opposing evolution, climate change, vaccines etc. is not that there is some global conspiracy, but rather that there is no evidence to support those positions. The notion that papers supporting a mainstream position are easy to publish is similarly absurd. Scientists are an extremely critical, ornery, peer reviewed literature, argumentative bunch.

We love nothing more than to prove each other wrong, and most papers get shredded during review. Publishing is hard, and no matter what your topic is, peer reviewed literature are going to have to pass a careful review by objective scientists before you get published, peer reviewed literature. Further, even if you pass the review system, your work will then be scrutinized by thousands of scientists from all over the world, peer reviewed literature.

The problem with blogs is not that they are all faulty, but rather that they have no quality control mechanisms, so you have no reason to think that they are correct. Finally, yes, the peer-review system is not perfect. To those of you who insist on trusting blogs rather than the peer-reviewed literature, peer reviewed literature, think about the difference in what it takes to publish via each medium, peer reviewed literature.

How to Peer-Review Like a Pro (Step-by-Step Guide)

, time: 17:01

The Importance of Peer Review: An Introduction | University of Phoenix Research Hub

peer reviewed literature

 · Identifying Peer-Reviewed Journals Most journals will make available their peer-review process. This can be found on the publication's website or within individual issues if a print copy exists. One quick way to tell if an article is peer-reviewed is to look Author: Daniel Stuart Peer-reviewed literature. Peer-reviewed journal articles have gone through an evaluation process in which journal editors and other expert scholars critically assess the quality and scientific merit of the article and its research. Articles that pass this process are published in the peer-reviewed literature. Peer-reviewed journals may include the research of scholars who have collected their own  · The easiest and fastest way to find peer-reviewed articles is to search the online library databases, many of which include peer-reviewed journals. To make sure your results come from peer-reviewed (also called "scholarly" or "academic") journals, do the following: Read the database description to determine if it features peer-reviewed Marta Bladek

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