· The Bowdoin supplement asks applicants to first identify which of the lines from “The Offer of the College,” a poem written in by Bowdoin president William DeWitt Hyde, most resonate with them. Applicants are then invited to provide an optional short essay of words to reflect on their chosen line and how it has meaning for them · Note the ways in which you could approach some of the lines: “to count Nature a familiar acquaintance / and Art an intimate friend” – If this line resonates the most with you, “to gain a standard for the appreciation of others' work / and the criticism of your own” – Bowdoin appreciates Bowdoin College Application Essay Question Explanations. The Requirements: One essay of words, one short answer of characters, and one additional info essay. Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball, Short Answer, Additional info. How did you first learn about Bowdoin?
How to Approach the Bowdoin Supplemental Essay
Tucked away in the beautiful coastal suburb of Brunswick, Maine, Bowdoin College is a private liberal arts college with a superb academic and bowdoin essay history. Since its founding inthe college has focused on its mission of preparing students to serve the common good.
As a top-ranked liberal arts college with only 1, undergraduates, Bowdoin is a highly selective school, admitting only 8. Want to know your chances atBowdoin? Calculate your chances for free right now. Note: While the explanation prompt is technically optional, CollegeVine highly recommends that you answer this prompt.
Basically, you will have the chance to write one brief anecdote and one or two reflections you have had in the wake of that experience.
By now, you probably have a handful of anecdotes you like to share in college essays. Even though this prompt does not ask you to address your past accomplishments or experiences, it is totally fair game to include those in your response.
In fact, reflecting on key moments bowdoin essay your past is a great way to help admissions officers get to know you better. So, be sure to connect your favorite line with an experience or change you hope to have during your time at Bowdoin. My car key slipped neatly bowdoin essay my palm the summer I turned sixteen, and I will never forget the dizzying pleasure that came from feeling its weight.
Looping it onto my all-but-empty key chain, the key represented freedom—to go any distance anytime, as long as I remembered to fill the tank, bowdoin essay. Driving also represented new levels of responsibility. Books are bowdoin essay dissimilar to car keys. In the halls of Bowdoin College Library, amidst the dusty volumes, hides the liberating power of knowledge. It took a man like Chamberlain to win the Battle of Gettysburg; at Bowdoin, I can learn from his autobiography.
It took a man like Archimedes to defend the walls of Syracuse; at Bowdoin, I can read his work in an original printed copy. It takes a Bowdoin graduate to advance modern medicine; at Bowdoin, bowdoin essay, tucked away in a library carrel, I will learn how. And then, too soon, I will leave for medical school with the words I carry in my mind. Bowdoin essay College Library will never leave my key chain.
Rather, I will add to it—my white coat, a hospital ID card, my voter registration. I will spend my life collecting keys, striving to bowdoin essay them for the good of those I serve.
This option is a great choice for students who have traveled abroad, studied history, or want to prioritize exploration in the future. Make sure your essay bowdoin essay with the contradiction that the prompt implies. Consider what has helped you to feel at home in these situations.
How would attending Bowdoin expand your comfort zone to include more lands and ages? Whether you bowdoin essay with nature as a preservationist, farmer, artist, or outdoorsman, this is a great prompt for someone who already spends time connecting with nature.
On the East Coast, Maine is known for its rugged terrain and rural beauty. Bowdoin takes pride in the nature that surrounds it.
That means this prompt gives you the opportunity to connect with the college over your shared love of the outdoors, bowdoin essay. If you have not spent a lot of time engaging with nature already, consider choosing another option.
For this essay, bowdoin essay, consider focusing on why it matters to know art intimately, not just to like it, bowdoin essay. Describe a time when you have connected deeply with a work of art—any medium is fair game, including music.
What made your experience of that art bowdoin essay Another good point to address is how Bowdoin can prepare you to bowdoin essay greater intimacy with art over time, bowdoin essay, whether through courses or clubs. If you are not going into an arts career, why have you chosen to prioritize art anyway? What about art prepares you for the rest of your life?
The working world is full of criticism, both constructive and harmful. Choosing this line reflects a certain wisdom. Tasks need to be done well, and feedback can have a huge impact on the final product, for better or worse, bowdoin essay. When have you been criticized? How did that go? What did you learn? If criticism has shaped your life story so far, share that story and maybe some of your opinions on how to give good feedback.
Another way to phrase this line is as follows: How have academic resources empowered you to accomplish your dreams? Use this essay to unpack why access bowdoin essay so much information gets you excited about the future. You may also choose to put a different spin on it. Some students may use this prompt to talk about the internet and why college is still necessary even now that the world wide web is on so many smartphones.
There are two main ideas in this line, bowdoin essay. The bowdoin essay is the concept of friendship. The second is the idea that knowing other leaders is valuable even when their area of influence differs from your own, bowdoin essay.
Feel free to focus on either of these ideas individually or to write an essay about both. For friendship, let the admissions officers know what friendship means to you. Are you someone who has lots of friends or only a few? How do you choose your friends?
Who do you hope to encounter at college? For leadership, talk about what makes a good leader. What can leaders learn from each other? What are the advantages of talking to leaders from other fields? How will going to Bowdoin connect you with the leaders of tomorrow? Consider talking about friends and leaders you have known.
How did those relationships change your own character? Warning: Even in an essay about other people, you still want to cast yourself as the main character. Be sure to highlight your own experiences with friendship and leadership.
Option G: To lose yourself in generous enthusiasms and cooperate with others for common ends. Recall a time when you directed your energy towards serving others. It helps if the initiative required teamwork to be successful, bowdoin essay. In what ways was that bowdoin essay challenging or rewarding experience? Why do you want to develop an enthusiastic commitment to service moving forward?
Instead, spend a few moments asking bowdoin essay which line hits closest to home, then use this essay breakdown to flesh out your response. Want help with your college essays to improve your admissions chances?
Sign up for your free CollegeVine account and get access to our essay guides and courses. CollegeVine College Essay Team September 9, bowdoin essay, 7 min read Bowdoin Collegebowdoin essay, College EssaysEssay BreakdownsEssay Guides How to Write the Bowdoin College Supplemental Essays. DO talk about your past experiences.
DO say how attending Bowdoin will help you achieve your goal. Want more college essay tips? We'll send them straight to your inbox. Loved the article? Share it! CollegeVine College Essay Team at. Short bio. Our college essay experts go through a rigorous selection process that evaluates their writing skills and knowledge of college admissions. We also train them on how to interpret bowdoin essay, facilitate the brainstorming process, and provide inspiration for great essays, with curriculum culled from our years of experience helping students write essays that work.
Other articles by CollegeVine. How to Write the Common Application Essays With Examples. March 8, bowdoin essay, 30 min read Common Appbowdoin essay, Essay Breakdowns, bowdoin essay. October 6, 10 min read 12th GradeEssay Breakdowns. September 29, bowdoin essay, 6 min read 12th GradeDuke UniversityEssay Breakdowns. Related CollegeVine Blog Posts, bowdoin essay.
How to Write the Bowdoin essay College Essay Bowdoin CollegeCollege EssaysEssay BreakdownsEssay Guides 7 min read, bowdoin essay. How to Write the Bowdoin College Supplement Essays College EssaysEssay Breakdowns 6 bowdoin essay read. How to Write the Bowdoin College Application Essays College Essaysbowdoin essay, Essay Breakdowns 7 min read, bowdoin essay.
How I REALLY got into Bowdoin
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Bowdoin College Application Essay Question Explanations. The Requirements: One essay of words, one short answer of characters, and one additional info essay. Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball, Short Answer, Additional info. How did you first learn about Bowdoin? · The Why Bowdoin “Why this College” Essay Example. Prompt: Bowdoin students and alumni often cite world-class faculty and opportunities for intellectual engagement, the College’s commitment to the Common Good, and the special quality of life on the coast of Maine as important aspects of the Bowdoin experience. (Word limit: ) This Bowdoin College Essay Guide was written by a blogger.com Admissions Expert and Bowdoin graduate. For more guidance on personal essays and the college application process in general, sign up for a monthly plan to work with an admissions coach 1-on The beauty of Bowdoin College is in its people and place, tucked into the northern Atlantic blogger.com: Lillian Eckstein
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